About Us

Port Wakefield Primary School seeks to ensure all students receive a high quality education and promotes a learning / working environment, which supports, develops and acknowledges high standards of individual performance.

We also aim to ensure the economic and social backgrounds of students are considered, as they are encouraged to accept responsibility and to develop through programs.

Further, we actively encourage community interest in the school and its participation.

Our focus is on improving literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students, as such we participate in Jolly Phonics & Grammar, Accelerated Reader, Star Reader and Mathletics programs.

Site Learning Plan Priorities include Literacy / Reading, Numeracy along with healthy lifestyles are emphasised.

The school is developing a strong information technology focus within curriculum areas. We have an established Information and Communication Technology (ICT) room with computers, multimedia projector, digital cameras and printers.

Our school uses the Restorative Practices system to help students to take ownership and work with others collaboratively in the class setting. We undertake Peer Mediating in our school with our senior students undertaking this role

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